Anclados al cielo (ES)
´Anclados al cielo´ (2021) retrata una comunidad pesquera que vive en el Tajamar en Barranquilla, una plataforma apenas ancha para caminar, de un lado está el río Magdalena y del otro el Mar Caribe, los habitantes se mueven lentamente como las cometas que utilizan para pescar, permanecen en estado de suspensión, esperando el tirón de la cuerda atada a sus dedos, indicando que algún pez ha mordido el anzuelo. Esta barrera de piedras de 12 km permite la navegación de grandes barcos, y aunque no es apta para la vida humana los pescadores establecieron un vínculo profundo con el lugar.
Anchored to heaven (EN)
The Tajamar (Cutwater) belongs to the city of Barranquilla, is a platform totally surrounded by water and just wide enough to walk, on one side is the Magdalena River and on the other the Caribbean Sea, it was built to divide those two and allow the navigation of large ships. While this 12 km stone barrier is not suitable for human life, currently allocates a community of fishermen who have established a bond with this site as deep as its waters, they remain in a state of suspension, anchored to heaven like the kites they use to fish, waiting for the pull of the string tied to their fingers, indicating that some fish has taken the hook. My work depicts a population that acts on its own to survive, in a country where the distribution of wealth is totally unequal and their environment struggles with the lack of sustainable development.
Technical Info: 100×140 cm, 60x90cm, 50×33 cm, Matte paper and Pine wood.
Award: Reactivarte 20X21, Work acquired into the art collection of the Museo del Río Magdalena, Honda, Colombia, 2021.
Honorable mention: 47° Salón de arte fotográfico UPB, Medellín, Colombia, 2021.